Sunday, April 17, 2011

'The Story of Our Lives'

"A person who does not regard music as a marvelous creation of God, must be a clodhopper indeed and does not deserve to be called a human being; he should be permitted to hear nothing but the braying of asses and the grunting of hogs."

~ Martin Luther

“Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

In the Spring of this year, The Violet Burning has unleashed quite a work of indescribable measure. Truly one that deserves to be in the company of Undercover's 'Branded'.

If 'Branded' is an unknown work to you, please seek this one out also ( There will be no disappointment, other than having lived so long without having heard music Michael Pritzl himself describes as 'Massive'.

These are my brief and inadequate remarks regarding this undertaking. I have decided against the usual method of reccommendation (particular pieces and other such critique) and have offered my impressions of this work as a whole.

I hope reading this will encourage your desire in seeking this magnificence out and listening to the 'loudest sound' within your heart...

'The Story of Our Lives' contains Three album's worth of material culled from seemingly cavernous depths.

The packaging itself exudes the intimately delicate ministrations of the Holy.

I cannot find utterance enough in my spirit to describe the emotional depth of my experience. ’The Story of Our Lives’ overwhelms every facet of my temporal existence with the greater cacophony of an eternal echoing.

To divide it and divine meaning from each part separate from the whole would be a grave error. This is a body of work that can only be taken as such. To do otherwise would be to prostitute myself to it and it to others. I will not offer myself or it so cheaply as that.

Proclaiming one piece over another or ignoring others in so doing is to miss completely the whole of its’ infinite scope. I cannot even randomly begin and end wherever I would so choose. I did not write the story. I choose to embrace the mystery of this journey.

Every note the sound of hearts breaking.

Every lyric the sound of wings bending.

Every song the sound of faith bleeding.

Every page the art of beauty.

Every word the art of prayer.

Even the fermented fragrance of Sacred silence between haunts the soul.

I Listen as Grace drowns me and Mercy rescues.

Profoundly elegant, 'The Story of Our Lives' is a lavishing gift from the artist to his Creator.

We as welcome guests are all invited. We are privileged. To dine from suffering. To drink of healing.

Please visit and support this fine artist at

I wish to express my deepest and most humble gratitudes To my beloved bride Bethanne and Michael P. for encouraging this post, and my writing.